Do you have a diet mindset?

Do you have a diet mindset?

Diet mentality is the product of diet culture and diet culture is everywhere so most people don’t even realise that their mindset is unhealthy – I didn’t, until fairly recently! Diet culture is the culture we live in; you cannot avoid it....
If exercise doesn’t feel good you’re doing it wrong

If exercise doesn’t feel good you’re doing it wrong

When I talk to new clients and class participants, something that comes up with almost everyone is that people don’t prioritise feeling good. They expect that exercise will be hard and unpleasant because they are unfit and as they get fitter it’ll get...
5 mindset tricks that help you enjoy exercise

5 mindset tricks that help you enjoy exercise

Everything starts in the mind — if you think you’re going to hate something, you’re usually right. Most people I work with hate exercise. It starts early on with a negative experience at school PE class and this is where we decide we hate exercise. (One day I’ll...