Meditation to Stop Emotional Eating

Meditation to Stop Emotional Eating

Like many women, I have always struggled with emotional eating. Especially when I feel anxious, my first instinct is always to eat something. I always thought that I was weak, there was something wrong with me, until I learnt to understand that this is actually a...
5 Reasons why you don’t enjoy exercise

5 Reasons why you don’t enjoy exercise

Most people I meet don’t exactly love exercise. They might love the way they feel after a workout and the results they get if they’re consistent but they don’t exactly enjoy the process. The reason why people don’t enjoy exercise is simply...
My Feel Good Fitness Journey 4-week Progress Report

My Feel Good Fitness Journey 4-week Progress Report

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I recently started doing early morning circuit training sessions with a few friends. You probably also know that some time ago I had to take quite a long time off intensive exercise in order to recover from a burnout...