5 Reasons why you don’t enjoy exercise

5 Reasons why you don’t enjoy exercise

Most people I meet don’t exactly love exercise. They might love the way they feel after a workout and the results they get if they’re consistent but they don’t exactly enjoy the process. The reason why people don’t enjoy exercise is simply...
My Feel Good Fitness Journey 4-week Progress Report

My Feel Good Fitness Journey 4-week Progress Report

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I recently started doing early morning circuit training sessions with a few friends. You probably also know that some time ago I had to take quite a long time off intensive exercise in order to recover from a burnout...
How to commit to your fitness goals

How to commit to your fitness goals

We all know that if you want to achieve something, you need to be committed to achieving it, otherwise you won’t get very far. When you’re committed to something you prioritise it every day and won’t let the millions of things that compete for your...
How to Start Exercising Today

How to Start Exercising Today

The hardest part about exercising is getting out the door – this is where many people fail. Most people tell me that once they’re out there, they’re ok, they’re actually enjoying it, it’s the getting out there that’s the problem. So...