Tina’s Feel Good Fitness Blog

Did you know that walking is better for weight loss than CrossFit?

Did you know that walking is better for weight loss than CrossFit?

Did you know that walking might be a more effective tool for weight loss than the high-intensity classes such as CrossFit? It’s true! For years, we’ve been inundated with the idea that to lose weight or to get fit we need to push ourselves to the brink because ‘no pain no gain’ and if we ‘sweat today’ we can ‘smile tomorrow’, right?

But here’s the reality: many people, especially women, don’t enjoy HIIT workouts, most hate them, so the misconception that CrossFit is the holy grail of weight loss can be quite disheartening.

The silver lining is that these are marketing messages, not scientifically grounded facts. Brace yourselves for some refreshing news – scientific studies reveal that moderate exercise, such as walking, can outperform high-intensity interval training (HIIT), like CrossFit, when it comes to weight loss.

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